Spokane Art Supply
& Creative Element
...where Art is for Everybody 

Painting Classes
Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil

These are weekly classes. Some are on-going and you are invited to join at any time. Some instructors would perfer that you sign up for a block of sessions. This information is noted with each class.

Intruder: Loretta Jenkins

Watercolor Class with 

Ron Taylor | 509-276-7363


Each week you will be provided a new subject to paint, or you can bring your own subject.

Ron studied art at John Herron Art School in Indianapolis and later at Chiounard Art School in Los Angelos. Ron has been a fine artist all his life as well as being a graphic designer and technical illustrator in both LA and Spokane.

Sessions: Mondays 9:00am - Noon

Tuition: $12.00 per session (paid to Ron)

Stan Miller Watercolor Classes
offered Tuesday Evenings beginning Sept 22
and Wednesday afternoons beginning Sept 23

Open Studio 
with Joe Kronenberg
Every Tuesday from 12:15 - 6 Joe is at Spokane Art Supply. Joe will work with you personally on design, technique and composition for drawing or Oil painting. Contact Joe at http://kronenbergart.net


Betty Jo Cook 

Adventures in Watercolor 


Betty encourages students to develop their own style, subject, soft, or realistic, Impressionistic, and allusionary. She will be stressing freshness in your approach, stressing transparent vs. semi-transparent and opaque paints and how to avoid 'mud.' Experiment with collage using rice paper, oriental paper, plus various texture making techniques. This is an on-going class. Join anytime

Sessions: Thrusday 9:15-12 noon 

Tuition: $10.00

Loretta Jenkins: Build Your Own Class at Your Own Pace

Loretta's class is on-going. You may join at any time.  Bring in whatever you want to work with: pencil, pastel, charcoal, watercolor, oil or acrylic.  You decide what time you come and how long of a class you want. Loretta's rates are $15.00 for 1 hour, $25.00 for 2 hours and $35.00 for 3 hours. Classes begin at SAS on N Monroe April 7

She'll be present every Thursday from 1-6pm. Contact her at 208-660-7489 or e-mail:pportraits@aol.com